MTD Civils and Network Planning is a full turnkey fibre optic infrastructure business in South Africa that brings high-speed internet into people’s homes.

We build trenched or overhead fibre networks which are known as FTTh (Fibre to the home) networks, which can then go to an FNO (Fibre Network Operator) to own and operate while we maintain the network on an ongoing basis.

We specialize in all parts of planning, building and maintaining a fibre network including the elements most companies will avoid such as wayleaves applications and dealing with the various municipalities to gain the required permissions for a fibre network build. 

We provide expert knowledge from beginning to end of the fibre network infrastructure with a combined 65 years of experience in the fibre industry working with trenched fibre solutions and overhead or aerial fibre networks.

Connecting Premises per month
Fibre Strung
0 m
Total Unit Count

We build <span style="color:##b91218"The Fibre Network

MTD Civils and Networks Planning focuses on the civil aspect of a fibre network, from wayleaves to installations and everything in between. We are building fibre networks all over the country and we are installing fibre directly into homes across SA.

Full turnkey FTTX Specialist

We will help your business

Planning Fibre Networks

Our in house fibre planning team can assist with planning out your overhead fibre network to the specifications the fibre network site requires.

Building Fibre Networks

Once the fibre network plan has been approved, our skilled technicians can build the overhead fibre network to the requirements of the plan.

Maintaining Fibre Networks

Everything in life needs a bit of extended care and an overhead fibre network is no different. We can assist in taking care of your overhead fibre network.

Installing Fibre to the Home

FTTh of Fibre to the home is the installation from the fibre network to a home, we can assist with your fibre installations to the home.

MTD <span style="color:##b91218" NetworX

MTD Networx is a sister company to MTD Civils and Networks Planning which focuses on bringing fibre to new areas around the country. Head over to the MTD Networx website to check if there is coverage for your area.

Fibre Optic Network Projects

Some of the projects we have worked on:



Responsible for planning, building, installations and now ongoing maintenance for the current fibre network.



Bringing fibre to the area our team hired local SMEs and local labour ensuring good internet and community growth.



We strive for community growth and strong fibre in every area. We planned, built and maintained the fibre network for this area.



Our team worked to bring fibre to the Welkom area while fostering a good relationship with the community.



Building 5, 1st Floor, Clearwater Office Park
Cnr Christiaan de Wet Road and Millennium Boulevard
Roodepoort Gauteng